Dec 19, 2011

NJ food その2(in Japanese only)

前回 載せそびれたものと新たに行ってきたお店の追加を。

・Kinchley's Tavern ★★★★★

Restaurant & Bar
Cheesecake Factory
・The Cheesecake Factory ★★☆☆☆

 ・Grasshopper Too ★★☆☆☆

・Burger Deluxe ★★★★☆
French Onion Burgerをミディアムレアでリベンジ!オニオンスープのような味付けでかなり美味〜!!!やみつきになりそう。。。

・Chevys Fresh Mex ★☆☆☆☆
・So Kong Dong ★★★★★
韓国にしばらく住んでいたアメリカ人の友達に誘われて行ったズンドゥブ専門店。ズンドゥブ以外にはカルビしかないが、最初に出てくるキムチが奥深い味で水 キムチも今までのものは偽物か!と思うほど美味しかった!夫はキムチビーフをHOTで、私はシーフードをMedium hotで注文。どちらもそれぞれの素材の味がしみ込んでいて絶品。カルビも柔らかくて味も良い。夫婦の間ではHwang Bu Ja Restaurantを超えてしまった!

Cliff's Steakhouse ★★★★★
クリスマス=結婚記念日は友達とエルパソにいるため、早い目に二人で記念日をと嬉しいサプライズでステーキハウスへ。21日間寝かしたエージドビーフのス テーキをレアで頼んだが、熱々のお皿に乗せてくれるので、少しづつ火が通ってちょうどミディアムレアになる。肉厚は3-4cmほどあってかなりボリュー ミーだが、とまらない味わいでたまらない!5つ星では足らず★x10をつけたいところ!

Dec 13, 2011

Presents for my Friends

 Present for a friend, I blinked a candle holder and picture frame including her favorite color, red.  The picture frame came out cooler than I imagined and wanted to keep it myself!

 This car shaped picture frame was a present for a new born baby named Keigo.  I kept the red part as is, since this was for a boy.

Prize from Bouldering Competition

Fortunately, I won a gift certificate for any La Sportiva climbing shoes at the bouldering competition and chose Miura Women's since I just got Katana Lace.  I like the aggressive Katana better, but I think Miura Women's are good to have for slab problems.
And OF COURSE I need these to be blinked, too!!!!

Nov 30, 2011

NJ food その1(in Japanese only)


Restaurant & Bar
・Thatcher McGhee's ★★★★★
・Tiffany's ★★★★☆
・Houlihan's ★★★☆☆
・Apple Bee's ★★☆☆☆

・Burger Deluxe ★★★★☆

・Tick Tock Diner ★★★★★
Diner特集のTV番組で紹介されていたので行ってみたら、ZAGATで毎年入賞しているお店だった。Rodeo burger(ハニーBBQソース) に Disco Fries(グレービーとチーズがかかったポテト)を付けたが、ヘビーすぎて食べきれなかったw 味は間違いなく五つ星!

White Manna Hamburgers ★★★★★

・Hwang Bu Ja Restaurant ★★★★★

・BCD Tofu House ★★☆☆☆
カルビと生Soft shell crabはそこそこだったけど、ズンドゥブはHwang Bu Ja Restaurantに敵わない。わざわざ遠いココへ行くより近いHwang Bu Ja Restaurantへ行くかな。

・River Kwai ★★★☆☆

・ Zen ★★★☆☆
他でお寿司を食べていないので比べようがないけど、Soft shell crab が入ったSpider Rollが美味しかった!(写真右手前)

・Patsy's ★★★★★
イタリアンというより、生クラムが目当て!大粒なのに身も味もしっかりしていて感動〜!他にStuffed CalamariとShrimp & Musselを頼んだが、カラマリにも感動!エビもぷりぷり!ただ、マッスルだけは縮こまって乾涸びて残念な感じ。。。

Ice Cream
・Curly's Ice Cream ★★★★★
近所にこんなに美味しいアイスクリームショップがあるなんて幸せ〜♡ と、いいながらも常に体重制限しているから2度しか訪れていないが、ハンドメイドなので日本の31やハーゲンダッツなんて比べ物にならないぐらい美味しいのだ!


Nov 16, 2011

Handmade stuff!

Homemade soap
A caring friend that I met soon after coming to the states, had took me to cooking schools, out to lunch and even taught me how to crochet a necklace and to make a soap!  I can't wait to use this soap, but it needs 4 weeks to mature...

Crochet necklace

Nov 14, 2011

My Climbing Shoes!

Yesterday, I tried my new Katana Lace(climbing shoes) at gym, so that I would be used to it by our next climbing trip to Hueco Tanks, next month.  However, I wasn't even able to climb a 5.10 orz....  but when I tried it with my old Katana Lace, it was soooo easy!  Ummm... wonder why.... 
old Katana (some crystals came off...)
OHHHH!!  I need blink, of course!!!!

Nov 9, 2011

Bishop, CA & Red Rocks, NV

Me on Birthday Direct V3***

 Yusuke & I first headed to LA to meet up with my best friend from junior high.  But since there was time, we went to Weiland Brewery and had beer and buffalo shrimp.   We had dinner at an Izakaya and talked so much about how we never thought we would be living in the States at the same time!!  Hope to see here again soon!!! 

 First thing in the morning, we drove to Bishop and met up with Glen from LV.  Since Yusuke made a plan to take turns on climbing/rest days, we went to Happy Boulders to go over problems I can do on the next day.  Everyone was warming up with the HIGH slab problem, Heavenly Path V1*** but I had no guts to hop on, so I climbed Which Road VB** first and then tried...  However, I could not get used to the rock and height yet, so I just went with another easy problem, Any Which Way V0+ .  After that, Glen suggested a problem that was my style, Solarium V4***  and tried to figure out my own move, but since this was Yusuke's climbing day, I decided to leave it for my next day.
Yusuke on Hulk V6***
Yusuke, on the other hand flashed Action Figure V6***!!!  That was amazing after his shoulder injury from falling of from The Hulk V6****....  Hope he gets well...

 For dinner, we went to Pizza Factory.  It was good for the cost!

Sunshine Boulder
 It was my climbing day so we were originally thinking of going to Happy again, but I agreed to go to Buttermilks when I heard that the approach was not a steep and sandy trail like Happy!  But again.... they hopped on a highball, Sunshine Boulder... sigh...  I climbed a simple line to get used to the rock and height and then tried Good Morning Sunshine V1*** but never even got to the middle...  Oh well, I can always find a smaller boulder.   So I tried Green Wall Essential V2*** and Birthday Direct V3*** a few times.  However, Yusuke was soooo excited that he was climbing away on his rest day, and we didn't realize that I hadn't finished anything until the sun was setting.  So we rushed to some starred problems, Hero Roof V0*** and Hager Arete V0**, which I was able to OS. 
Yusuke (on his "rest day"), finished 2 other V6s, Green Wall Center V6*** and Milks the Milks V6**!  Congrats!
 This night we went to Whiskey Creek and had lots of Mammoth beer!

Me on Green Wall Essential V2***
 Yusuke decided to take a whole rest day this day for the next day which would be our last day in Bishop.   This was actually my first time to have a climbing day for myself, so I was a bit lost but was eager to at least finish a starred V2.  As a warm up, I first tried Green Wall Arete V1**.  This took me a few tries and scarred me out to top out.  After that, I was devoted on Green Wall Essential V2***.  I don't know how many tries it took, but sent it at last!!!!
Now that I had no load on my shoulders, I decided to enjoy some easy starred problems.  Sent The Flake V1** in 2 tries, tried Monkey Dihedral V2*** but couldn't figure out the move, hopped on Birthday Direct V3*** again, and On-sighted Five and Dime V1**.
 And for dinner we went to Whiskey Creek which became or favorite!!

 Last climbing day in Bishop.  This day was a sending parade for Yusuke!!  He finished High Plains Drifter V7*** , Cave Route V6** and Bowling Pin Sit Start V6***, all in 2-4 tries!!   Good that he had a complete rest day... or maybe this was because we had no extra battery charged this day!  Anyway, HURRAY!!!
 I on the other hand, just had fun like hopping on A Birthing Experience V1* (finished OS) and trying Buttermilk Stem V1***.
Yusuke finished High Plains Drifter V7***
Othello feeling comfy on Yusuke's jacket
 Since Yusuke was satisfied, we drove to LV a bit early and met with Pilar at last!!!  We had dinner at a Thai food restaurant and a good sleep at their home.  Thank you Glen and Pilar!!  Oh, and of course, lots of love to the cute little Lolita and adorable Othello!!
Glen and Lolita
Me on Monkey Bars V2***
 Climbing day at Red Rocks at last!!  I looooved the rock quality; so soft and easy to smear on, and the grades were reasonable (not like the hard Bishop or Gunks grade). 
 I started with Various V0, Poker Chips V1** & Potato Chips V2*** and finished all by OS!!  Loving this place more!!!

 Potato Chips V2***

 Yusuke finished his project from 4 years ago, The Pearl V5*** and another V6 problem, Monkey Bar Right V6**.
 Before heading back, I asked if I can try any V3s, and was able to send an unnamed problem on the southeast face of The Butt Crack Boulder in a few tries.  Yeah!!
Glen on The Pork Chop, a cool boulder!!
Yusuke on The Pearl

 Overall, this trip made great progress for my climbing; I found out later on when I tried a problem at the gym that I never was able to reach.  Oh! Also was able to win first prize in Beginner at The Brawl 2011 competition!made great progress for my climbing; I found out later on when I tried a problem at the gym that I never was able to reach. Oh! Also was able to win first prize in Beginner at The Brawl competition!
 Which Road VB**
 Any Which Way V0+
 x Solarium V4*** 
 x Birthday Direct V3***
 Hero Roof V0*** OS
 Hager Arete V0** OS 
 Green Wall Arete V1**
 Green Wall Essential V2***
 The Flake V1**
 x Monkey Dihedral V2***
 x Birthday Direct V3***
 Five and Dime V1** OS
 A Birthing Experience V1* OS
 x Buttermilk Stem V1*** 
<Red Rocks>
 Beth Wald Boulder various V0
 Pokcer Chips V1** OS
 Potato Chips V2*** OS
 The Butt Crack Boulder southeastface V3
 Monkey Bars V2***  

Oct 20, 2011

Card Stand w/Miniture Photo Frame

Found a neat thing to blink!  This is a card stand with a 1" x 1" photo frame!  Blinked one with Smiley mark in rainbow color and another with 2 stars and gradation of blue crystals.

Oct 17, 2011

Lincoln Woods State Park

This weekend, we went to Lincoln Woods State Park, Rhode Island with Ikko & Rie.  It was our 2nd time, so I wanted to finish The Wave V2*** which I couldn't even get to the crux last time.  I tried it on the second day, and sent it in 4-5 tries!  Other than that, I repeated Mack's Traverse V2*** and lots of V0 to V2s.

 Maybe this trip was the most I ever climbed!  Sooo exhausted...

Rie also tried lots of problem despite of her shoulder injury.  I hope she gets well soon so that she can climb as she wishes.
The best part of this trip was Ikko's aggressive try to Iron Cross V4****!
YES!!!  He was strong and finally sent his first V4 even without trying any V3s!!  Hurray!!  And first time that I had tears in my eyes with happiness to someone sending a problem.

Yusuke, strong as usual, sent the long version of this V4 that maybe V7ish, and of course, lots and lots and lots of other problems (as usual!).
Shiro was sleepy as usual...

Oct 10, 2011

Hobbit Hole!!! (Pawtuckaway NH)

 YES!  I sent Hobbit Hole V3**** at Pawtuckaway, NH.  This was my first four star V3 problem that I got!  Actually, I tried this problem once in September, but since there was a reachy part, I couldn't figure out a move for myself...  This time, I saw a very strong man crossing his right hand in the crack instead of bumping your left hand (like the left photo).  You can't imagine how polished it is inside this crack...  That's why everyone uses the good stance at the bottom, but since I couldn't reach it, I used a very high crimp to move my feet.  As you know, high feet are BAD for slopers...  I felt soooo relieved when I got the jug! 

Hobbit Hole V3****

Some other problems I hopped on.

Essentials V2* ;Fun slab problem, even if you don't like slabs!

Squeeze Play V2* ;The crux is how slim you can be!! Haha!

Oct 6, 2011

My License Plate!

I found a paw designed license plate cover so I blinked it for fun!!  haha!
Now I won't mistake my car.

Picture Frame

Blinked a picture frame in a simple and elegant design with purple based swarovski crystals.
Not only the original picture frame, but the 3 different purple colored crystals were very difficult to find...

Sep 23, 2011

Picture Frame & Compact Mirror

 Designed and blinked a picture frame.  Since it came out beautifully, I think I'll bring this as a gift for my best friend when I meet her next month!

Also blinked a mirror as a sample of what I may be able to sell at my friend's shop or at my Etsy store.

Sep 11, 2011

8" Digital Photo Frame

Wondering what wedding gift would be convenient and also beautiful to blink, and came up with a digital photo frame.

I knew they loved the nature, so I designed the frame with leaves. Hope they liked it! : )

I also designed and blinked a card to go with the wrapping ribbons that I put some crystals on, too.