Jan 31, 2012

Sourland Mountain Preserve

Yusuke on The Wave V7**
 Yusuke, Tim & I went to boulder to a re-opened area, Sourland Mountain Preserve which is in Somerset NJ.  Surprisingly, it was Tim's first time to boulder outside!  As he is a trad climber, it was interesting to hear how a trad climber would feel about the regulations of using the rock beside or the line to climb.

Tim on The Dwarf V5/6**
I only hopped on The Wave V2**, but I was satisfied enough since I sent it in a few tries.  Forgive my ugly mantel...
The Wave V2**


  1. You have climbed in more places in NJ than I have now. And I've been there for over 30 years!

  2. Sourland was said that it is the best in NJ; actually the only place I went in NJ, but felt that driving an hour more to the Gunks is even better...
