Restaurant & Bar
・Thatcher McGhee's ★★★★★ http://thatchermcghees.com/
・Tiffany's ★★★★☆ http://www.tiffanysrestaurant.com/
・Houlihan's ★★★☆☆ http://www.houlihans.com/
・Apple Bee's ★★☆☆☆ http://www.applebees.com/
・Burger Deluxe ★★★★☆ http://www.theburgerdeluxe.com/
・Tick Tock Diner ★★★★★ www.theticktockdiner.com/
Diner特集のTV番組で紹介されていたので行ってみたら、ZAGATで毎年入賞しているお店だった。Rodeo burger(ハニーBBQソース) に Disco Fries(グレービーとチーズがかかったポテト)を付けたが、ヘビーすぎて食べきれなかったw 味は間違いなく五つ星!
・White Manna Hamburgers ★★★★★
・Hwang Bu Ja Restaurant ★★★★★
・BCD Tofu House ★★☆☆☆ http://www.bcdtofu.com/
カルビと生Soft shell crabはそこそこだったけど、ズンドゥブはHwang Bu Ja Restaurantに敵わない。わざわざ遠いココへ行くより近いHwang Bu Ja Restaurantへ行くかな。
・River Kwai ★★★☆☆ http://riverkwaithai.com/Home.html
・ Zen ★★★☆☆ http://www.zensushi.net/
他でお寿司を食べていないので比べようがないけど、Soft shell crab が入ったSpider Rollが美味しかった!(写真右手前)
・Patsy's ★★★★★ http://www.patsysristorante.com/
イタリアンというより、生クラムが目当て!大粒なのに身も味もしっかりしていて感動〜!他にStuffed CalamariとShrimp & Musselを頼んだが、カラマリにも感動!エビもぷりぷり!ただ、マッスルだけは縮こまって乾涸びて残念な感じ。。。
Ice Cream
・Curly's Ice Cream ★★★★★ http://www.curlysicecream.com/
近所にこんなに美味しいアイスクリームショップがあるなんて幸せ〜♡ と、いいながらも常に体重制限しているから2度しか訪れていないが、ハンドメイドなので日本の31やハーゲンダッツなんて比べ物にならないぐらい美味しいのだ!
Nov 30, 2011
Nov 16, 2011
Handmade stuff!
Nov 14, 2011
My Climbing Shoes!
Yesterday, I tried my new Katana Lace(climbing shoes) at gym, so that I would be used to it by our next climbing trip to Hueco Tanks, next month. However, I wasn't even able to climb a 5.10 orz.... but when I tried it with my old Katana Lace, it was soooo easy! Ummm... wonder why....
OHHHH!! I need blink, of course!!!!
old Katana (some crystals came off...) |
Nov 9, 2011
Bishop, CA & Red Rocks, NV
Me on Birthday Direct V3*** |
Yusuke & I first headed to LA to meet up with my best friend from junior high. But since there was time, we went to Weiland Brewery http://www.weilandbrewery.net/WBR/ and had beer and buffalo shrimp. We had dinner at an Izakaya and talked so much about how we never thought we would be living in the States at the same time!! Hope to see here again soon!!!
First thing in the morning, we drove to Bishop and met up with Glen from LV. Since Yusuke made a plan to take turns on climbing/rest days, we went to Happy Boulders to go over problems I can do on the next day. Everyone was warming up with the HIGH slab problem, Heavenly Path V1*** but I had no guts to hop on, so I climbed Which Road VB** first and then tried... However, I could not get used to the rock and height yet, so I just went with another easy problem, Any Which Way V0+ . After that, Glen suggested a problem that was my style, Solarium V4*** and tried to figure out my own move, but since this was Yusuke's climbing day, I decided to leave it for my next day.
Yusuke on Hulk V6*** |
For dinner, we went to Pizza Factory. It was good for the cost! http://bishop.pizzafactory.com/index.html
Sunshine Boulder |
Yusuke (on his "rest day"), finished 2 other V6s, Green Wall Center V6*** and Milks the Milks V6**! Congrats!
This night we went to Whiskey Creek and had lots of Mammoth beer! http://whiskeycreekbishop.com/
Me on Green Wall Essential V2*** |
Now that I had no load on my shoulders, I decided to enjoy some easy starred problems. Sent The Flake V1** in 2 tries, tried Monkey Dihedral V2*** but couldn't figure out the move, hopped on Birthday Direct V3*** again, and On-sighted Five and Dime V1**.
And for dinner we went to Whiskey Creek which became or favorite!!
Last climbing day in Bishop. This day was a sending parade for Yusuke!! He finished High Plains Drifter V7*** , Cave Route V6** and Bowling Pin Sit Start V6***, all in 2-4 tries!! Good that he had a complete rest day... or maybe this was because we had no extra battery charged this day! Anyway, HURRAY!!!
I on the other hand, just had fun like hopping on A Birthing Experience V1* (finished OS) and trying Buttermilk Stem V1***.
Yusuke finished High Plains Drifter V7*** |
Othello feeling comfy on Yusuke's jacket |
Glen and Lolita |
Me on Monkey Bars V2*** |
I started with Various V0, Poker Chips V1** & Potato Chips V2*** and finished all by OS!! Loving this place more!!!
Potato Chips V2***
Yusuke finished his project from 4 years ago, The Pearl V5*** and another V6 problem, Monkey Bar Right V6**.
Before heading back, I asked if I can try any V3s, and was able to send an unnamed problem on the southeast face of The Butt Crack Boulder in a few tries. Yeah!!
Glen on The Pork Chop, a cool boulder!! |
Yusuke on The Pearl |
Which Road VB**
Any Which Way V0+
x Solarium V4***
x Birthday Direct V3***
Hero Roof V0*** OS
Hager Arete V0** OS
Green Wall Arete V1**
Green Wall Essential V2***
The Flake V1**
x Monkey Dihedral V2***
x Birthday Direct V3***
Five and Dime V1** OS
A Birthing Experience V1* OS
x Buttermilk Stem V1***
<Red Rocks>
Beth Wald Boulder various V0
Pokcer Chips V1** OS
Potato Chips V2*** OS
The Butt Crack Boulder southeastface V3
Monkey Bars V2***
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