Jan 17, 2013

Red Rocks, Bishop & lots of fun in Vegas!

We decided to take Shiro and spend our Christmas and New Year's holiday with our best friends in Vegas.  i.e. also climbing at the Red Rocks!
Shiro becoming pink from the red rocks
So the next day we arrived, we of course headed to the Kraft.  Yusuke climbing strong as usual, finished all the V7s he planned to in one day!
Yusuke sending Bubble Butt V7**
The Wave V3**
I warmed up on Poker Chips V1** and Potato Chips V2*** and got on a The Wave V3** which unexpectedly took a few tries to send.  Another problem that I hopped on which seemed doable was Soft Opening V5/6.  Sorry, but I would grade this a V3...  the only crux for me was the first reachy moves and after it was solved, every move was easy.

     The Wave V3**  :

     Soft Opening V5/6  :

Soft Opening V5/6

Yusuke sending Strength in Numbers V5***
 Actually, we were waiting to see if there was a chance to climb at Bishop during our stay and considering the weather, we took the chance on the next day.  But unfortunately, Buttermilks was covered with snow and the only place we could climb was the Sads and the Happys.  The only day we couldn't climb was the next day when it snowed during the night, but we had a super fun rest day by renting a snow shoe and walking at Buttermilks.
Glen dead-pointing on Lawnmower Man V7***
Taking a walk in snow shoes! @Buttermilks
Yusuke sending Acid Wash Right V9*
 Next day after the snow we climbed at Happy.  I was sooooo excited to see Yusuke send his first V9!!!  It motivated me to try the Solarium V4***, but after sunset, I couldn't bear the cold and gave up that day.

Glen on Rave V7***
 On the last day, which was supposed to be just our traveling day, I asked for a few hours to try the Solarium V4***.  It took almost 2 hours to figure out the movement for me but after I was certain of the move, I sent it in one try!  I always think that I have a disadvantage by losing so much time to find a move for my height, but on the other hand, I am sure I am gaining my technique.  That's why climbing is soooo fun!  Yusuke and I might have difficulty on sending some reachy problems, but I feel that we are sending it as a harder grade and this means a lot to keep motivated.
Solarium V4***

Me on 5.10d
 On the next day being back in Vegas, we went to sport climb in Red Rocks.  This was like 3 years since I sport climbed outside!  Didn't like it in Japan, but loved it here because of all the decent and soft holds.  I Red Pointed a 10d & 10b which I thought was well done for me.
 New Year's eve was a rest day for me, so Yusuke let me climb at the Kraft on New Year's day which was the last day of our trip.  I had fun trying The Pearl V5*** and getting on some easy problems like Perked Up V2* and Earth Angel V2* to wrap up my climb.

    The Pearl V5*** (Attempt)  :     http://youtu.be/-Ai1xb37Dpo
    Perked Up V2*  :      http://youtu.be/yxIjB4pW9NQ
    Earth Angel V2* :     http://youtu.be/hE5cG6nlUlQ

 Other than climbing we had a great time with Pilar, Glen, Othello & Lolita.  Vegas food was good every restaurant we went, but Pilar's Spanish omelet was the BEST!  OH, and I loved the old fashioned cocktails we had at the bar.  I hope they enjoyed the New Year's food I made for New Year's eve dinner.
 My number one surprise and delight was to see Shiro being social to any dog at the end of the trip.  Hope he won't forget...

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