May 31, 2011

Gunks Peter's Kill

On May 28th, Yusuke took YS and me to Gunks Peter's Kill. I first tried Tree-Bola Direct-Direct V1, but I couldn't get the first hold so I started from that hold and was able to top out. I'll have to find a way to start with my height.
The next problem I tried was Take it Easy Wally V1*. Yusuke showed us a beta but as it was too reachy for me, I had to find out my own way.
This movie is how I sent it.

After that Yusuke showed us how Mentos V4* looks, but even before I tried, I knew this was a kind of problem I would never even be able to start... So I did Will You V1 instead, LOL.

Another problem I finished was Seven Sugars V2. At first, I couldn't even get the 2nd hold, but I realized that if I swung with only my right hand, I may reach it! The 3rd cross move was also a crux to me and took time to find out where to put my right toe. My first top out was unexpected so I did it again to take a movie. (however, the movie starts from the 2nd move because I started before the camera was ON)

When it started to become a bit cooler, Yusuke and I moved to Trapps so that Yusuke can try Box Car Arete V8*. He was soooo close to sending it on his 2nd try of the day! I'm sure he will finish it next time.

May 23, 2011

First climb at Shawn Gunks

Went bouldering to Shawn Gunks for the first time! So lucky to have a place to climb within a 1.5 hour drive from home.
Since it was the first time for not only me but YS who joined us, Yusuke showed us around and tried problems that we could easily send.

The Clune Crank V1* was a nice problem for me to warm up from next time.

The top photo is my try on Andrew's Boulder Problem V4*. This problem was one of the most coolest one that Yusuke sent and I'm definitely going to work on this when I'm at Gunks.

There were some problems that we couldn't try because they were wet, so I'm sure I still have much more to see!!!

May 19, 2011

Starting my new life in NJ

Finally, I moved to NJ from Japan.
My husband had already prepared a new-built apartment for us which is super neat! Also Shiro, our dog was so excited that he ran and ran around the room for a while.
See how happy he is!

On the second day, we went to IKEA to get some furniture. Lucky that we have IKEA in Japan because I had a chance to look over what I want beforehand. My husband liked most of the furniture that I chose, so we didn't fight over anything!
What we both liked best was the sofa! Quite expensive but definitely is worth it! (Sorry about the mess behind...)
Another was the bed, room light and trashcan. So lucky that we found things that really matched.
And the most exciting and happiest was that my Darling got me a brand new Mazda 3 s Grand Touring!!!!!!! I chose the color Black Mica because the front grille is black and makes the car look cooler in total color. I still need to practice driving with the wheel on the left and road to the right side, but I know it's going to be so fun driving my own new car!
(I'm not going to take a picture of my car because there are stories in Japan that you may get into a traffic accident when you do so....)

By the way, I've already been to NJ Rock Gym twice and I'm getting used to the long reach problems!! If the weather is not bad, we'll be at Gunks this weekend!

May 18, 2011


This is about exporting Shiro, our dog to the States from Japan. Sorry, this is in Japanese only.


May 15, 2011

My iPhone4 Case

I blinked a case for my new White model iPhone4 that was a present from my darling.
If you see closely, you can see that I used tiny crystal stones between each of the colored stones! This makes it blink more!

May 9, 2011

My MacBook Air

This MacBook Air is a present from my Darling. I put in my name and blinked it with various colors !

May 7, 2011


This is about exporting Shiro, our dog to the States from Japan.  Sorry, this is in Japanese only.

1. 以下の条件を整える
日本は狂犬病免除地域なので、開業医発行の健康証明書と輸出検疫検査証明書さえあれば入国できるが、今回Shiroさんは、狂犬病予防接種済み証明書、マイクロチップの装着の確認書類、混合ワクチン注射証明書、狂犬病抗体検査証明書 を用意して検疫検査証明書に記載してもらうことにした。

2. 空港の検疫所で輸出検疫証明書の交付を受けるため、事前(出国7日前まで)に輸出検査申請書と必要書類をFAXで提出(もしくはANIPASにて電子申請)

3. 輸出検査の受検

・ 混合ワクチン注射証明書:過去1年以内に注射を行っている場合、開業医に書類を発行してもらう。混合ワクチンおよび証明書7350円。
・ 健康証明書:出発日から10日以内に開業医に発行してもらう。証明内容については、 を参照。証明書3000円

10日前:開業医 に健康証明書を発行してもらう(動物病院)


ビジネス→ 縦x横x高 45x30x20
エコノミー→ 縦x横x高 51x36x28


May 4, 2011

Present for Mother's Day

For my darling's mother, I blinked a heart shaped mirror.

Hope she receives this along with the flowers I sent separately! : )